I would like to preface this entry with the fact that I am not a parent, I have no human baby, this is NOT a mommy blog. I don’t even have a pet.
What I do have is 2002 Ford Focus SE (Comfort Edition) that was my first grown-up purchase. The first, credit building purchase I made (and paid off I might add), and I call her “Little Silver” and sometimes the “Silver Bullet.” She has been with me through my move to college, my move back after graduation, and the many, many miles I have accumulated driving to work for the last three years since graduation.
We have had some really great adventures. I remember a specific spring break road trip down the 101 highway on the Oregon Coast with my best friend. We barely even looked at the map, but we took lots of lovely pictures, and ate terrible road trip foods. I also bought my first fillet mignon that trip, but only thanks to my best friend’s mother, who had pity on us and paid for an extra night in a hotel for us. We used our extra cash to treat ourselves to a gourmet dinner.
It wasn’t all sunshine and roses. We’ve had our fender benders, but I am totally honest in saying that the two incidents I am referring to, were entirely not my fault. (It’s true, check my records!) I was rear-ended at a stop light one time, and in hindsight (pun intended) I think the guy may have been drunk. But I digress.
I have tried to be good to Little Silver, took her for her check-ups, oil changes, and filled her tank when she was thirsty. We’ve gone on leisurely drives, exciting unplanned adventures, and been through some wicked and wild weather. She even has her winter shoes! (Studded Tires)
But I can’t stop the inevitable, and I realize she is getting older. I mean, eight people years is like 80 in car years. She should be in retirement and relaxing in my driveway. But no, she is my service car, and I need her to get to my place of employment.
And now, she is sick.
She sputters like she is choking on phlegm, and I can only imagine she has some incurable car pneumonia. Cars don’t always survive car pneumonia. This breaks my heart.
I know some people would like to say, “Hey, it’s just a friggin’ Focus, it’s not even a very good year!” But to them I say, “Go to H, E double hockey sticks!" because she’s still my first new car I ever owned. There is some kind of connection we make to our first car, well, at least the first one we buy ourselves.
So tomorrow I am taking her in to the doctor, and getting a diagnosis. There will be talk of mileage I am sure, and even possibly replacement parts, but I am not ready to send her down the river. She is just a little sick. But if you let a little symptom go, it might turn into a cancer. An no car is worth saving if it comes to that. So I will say a little prayer tonight, and leave her in trusted hands. I can only hope the remedy is a cheap one… I promise I will wash you more if you make it through this!
Clam Digging
4 months ago