Saturday, February 26, 2011

If You Like PAWS...

Estimated reading time for this post: 2 minute 48 seconds. Read it Later?

My family has gotten our pet from PAWS in the past and although we currently do not have any pets, I respect what the Aberdeen PAWS is doing. I would love to volunteer time or money but just like many others, both are in short supply these days. I know I tend to forget that we are not a large community and there are not many options for stray or unwanted animals in Grays Harbor. That is why I believe it's so very important that we help keep these important organizations open.

I saw an article in the local newspaper this morning and they are so shorthanded/ understaffed that they are taking the month of March off from accepting animals. The article listed a few things that they are in need of so I'll list them here:
  • Paper towels
  • Dry cat and dog food
  • Kitty litter
  • Garbage bags
  • Clorox(r) wipes
  • Hand sanitizer 
  • Copy paper
And of course monetary donations are greatly needed and appreciated.

*** This group doesn't even have a website! Imagine how many more animals might be placed in homes if they had pictures on the internet! ***

For those who have time but not the money, they can use your help. If you only have an hour a week to spare, which is NOT much at all, they will be glad for the help. Simple things like doing laundry, cleaning pens, feeding and watering the animals are all easy tasks that anyone can be shown how to do.

My main reason for writing about this is that I know the core group of volunteers are getting older. The time is coming soon for them to pass the responsibility of keeping PAWS' doors open to a younger generation.

It breaks my heart that animals are neglected, abused or forgotten. I might not agree with every political view involved with animal rescue services, and this blog isn't about that anyways. What I do agree with is that we humans, created this domestic animal problem, and (particularly if you are a pet owner) it's our job to help correct it. Maybe I have seen too many episodes of Confessions: Animal Hoarding but I really want people to be responsible pet owners. If you have a pet, why not buy two bags of dog food and drop one off at PAWS. If you have a cat or two, maybe pick up an extra bag of kitty litter. I am sure every little bit helps.

I don't currently have any pets but I have every intention of calling Val West (360-533-1141) and donating a little bit of money. And when we get ready to adopt a dog, I know that the money I pay for my new little buddy will go towards spaying and neutering more just like him. All in helps to control the pet population and to give these animals a second chance on life.

If you'd like to make a donation of any kind please call Val West at 360-533-1141. I wouldn't recommend dropping anything off unless you have called first to make sure someone is there and available to accept your donation.

800 W. 1st Street
Aberdeen, Washington 98520
Phone: 360-533-1141

And in the immortal words of Bob Barker,
"Remember, have your pets spayed or neutered!"


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